Saturday, June 7, 2008

Picture Time

This is Emily. She is one of Steven's classmates from preschool. They decided last year that they were getting married. I don't know if Steven still feels the same way....but she is still loving him! He does act all cute and gushy around her! Even though they won't be going to school together, she lives down the street from my sister so they will always see each other growing up. I can't wait to make fun of them when they get older. LOL

This is Steven and Jack. We had fun at the Morton Arboretum.

This is Colin my nephew. He takes great pictures. I'll be showing more of him when I get a chance.

1 comment:

Amy said...

YOU ROCK!!!! Your sister showed me the cool video (with the "fun" song) You are amazing!!! I can't wait for you to take some photos of my kiddos! I think I may have you do some soon for my mother's b-day in Aug.!

By the way...cute girl on this post!:)